Step 1: Watch This Short Video to Get to Know Beverly

Step 2: Apply To See If You Qualify

Now that you know a bit more about Beverly and how she supports Established Christian Female Coaches & Service Providers for Coaches in applying Kingdom Principles so that they generate $100k+ in 90 days or less, if it resonates with you, apply for a call!!

Please Note: My calls are for those who want to work with me and need to know the options for how I can support them.  

During this call, we will have a VERY transparent discussion about where you are in your coaching or service-based business and where you desire to be in the next 3-6 months. I then let you know if I have an offer that will support you.  

On the call, you will then decide if you are moving forward and will let me know with a "yes" or "no".  

BEFORE the call, please ensure that you have: "prayed about it", "thought about it", and "spoken to your spouse"-if applicable.  

If your answer is "yes", the payment is collected ON THE CALL, and we move with the next steps.  

If your answer is "no", all is hard feelings. I will probably ask you why you didn't move forward for my own market research purposes (I'm always looking to see how I can grow as a coach).  

My services range in investment from $1597 for my Academy to $20,000 for my 1:1 Coaching (see below for more information about my Coaching Offers before Applying).  

If you would still like to proceed, please click below: 


Current Coaching Offers:

1) Making Powerful Moves in Business Academy ($1597 ANNUALLY or $197/month: This is for coaches who want to create consistent $3000-$5,000 months. You have instant access to OVER 50 Masterclasses/Training Sessions, plus TWO 1:1 calls with Beverly. Click here for more information and to Enroll.

2) 90-Day Revenue Accelerator ($5,000 if Paid in Full or 4 Payments of $1500). This group program is for ESTABLISHED Coaches or Service Providers for Coaches who have sold a 4-figure offer and have an audience. You must be Full-Time in your business and looking to generate AT LEAST $100,000 in 90 days by applying Kingdom Principles. My Accelerators average $5,000-$10,000 per week! They usually make their 1st sale, at their higher price points, within 7 days and make their investment back within 2 weeks. Click here for more information.

3) Revenue Accelerator 1:1 VIP Day ($6,000). This Virtual 6-Hour VIP Day is for ESTABLISHED Coaches or Service Providers for Coaches who have sold a 4-figure offer and have an audience. You must be full-time in your business and looking to create your next 5-Figure WEEK or DAY. My Accelerators average $5,000-$10,000 per week! They usually make their 1st sale, at their higher price points, within 7 days and make their investment back within 2 weeks. Click here for more information.

4) 1:1 NEXT LEVEL Coaching (3-6 Months) ($12,000-$20,000). Payment Plans Available): This is for ESTABLISHED Coaches or Service Providers for Coaches who have sold a 4-figure offer and have an audience. You must be full-time in your business and looking to shift from 5-Figure MONTHS to 5-Figures WEEKS or DAYS. Click here to apply.

Client Case Studies

Case Study: She Closed $11,000 in 13 DAYS!

Case Study: Explosion in Inner Healing and Deliverance Business!

Teresa H. Talks about how her business shifted in 7 days and how she generated $11,000 in 13 DAYS!

Dr. Peggy discusses her experience of us working together and the explosion in her Inner Healing and Deliverance business!

Case Study: Closed $130,00 in Sales!

Case Study: Closed $30,00 in Sales in 1 WEEK!

Dr. Cai closed $30,000 in 4 weeks and an additional $100,000 5 months later WITHOUT a large email list or complicated sales funnel!

Erica F. Brooks closed $30,000 in sales in 7 days!

Case Study: Created OVER $100,000 in 90 Days!

Case Study: Created 5-Figures During the Pandemic

Dorianne St. Fleur is closing 5-Figure Weeks! She ended the Accelerator with $116,338 in 90 DAYS!

LaToya Early is creating 5-figure months during the pandemic. She ended the Accelerator with $48,275 in 90 DAYS!

Case Study: Closing 5 & 6 Figure Corporate Contracts!

Case Study: How to DOUBLE & TRIPLE Your Prices

Aldeen Simmonds-Thorpe is closing 5 & 6 Figure Corporate Contracts!
She ended the Accelerator with $43,344 in 90 DAYS (plus pending

Takima Howze is doubling and tripling her prices and is STILL able to sell her services!

Case Study: Generated $11,000 in 4 days!

Case Study: Created her 1st 5-figure month in about 30 days

Sherry struggled with technology, but knew she could help women find their purpose. Watch as she explains how to still sold $11,000 in services in 4 days!

Leslie has been in business for over 10 years! Watch as she talks about how she created her 1st 5-figure month in about 30 days of us working together. 

Additional Client Success Stories

Closed $11,386 in 4 Weeks!

"My Confidence through the roof . Crystal clear on who I serve and how to speak to them through messaging. Clarity in WHY my program is set up the way it is and why it is priced the way it is. And of course.. closing sales left and right!?


Closed an $8,000 Sale!

And just like that $8,000! It's so good to sell a high ticket offer without even bragging 🥳🥳🥳🥳  

You can do it too!!!


Tripled her Investment in 4 Weeks!

"I have raised my prices and discovered other services I could provide in addition to the main service I provide. My calendar is booked out until the end of November with paying clients as well."


Closed $3,000 in 2.5 Weeks with her NEW offer!

"I had a call with someone tonight. She loves the value I give and wanted to know how I could help her. I told her about the new program and she immediately said “that’s what I need”. She’s excited to get started."


$3,000 after ONLY 8 days of working together!  

"Boom just like that I closed the sale on my 1st Breakthrough Call today for my $3,000 program!


Closed $7000 in sales in the same day!

" #BeverlyWalthour Because we have abundance mindsets and know that God keeps expanding the pie, I know I can tell a second blessing to my group. I just closed a $5,000 deal to do a coaching/training program for small business owners! To God be the Glory! And... #BeverlyWalthour -- Just closed a $2,000 deal!"

Dr. Janice

$3500 THREE days after launching!

"I made $3,500! I would have paid twice the amount Beverly charged me, this is how much I recommend her coaching."


$1994 in ONLY 4 days!

"I sold 2 of my Emotional Healing Masterclass at $997 and have a few more pending."  


I signed a $50,000 client!

"I booked a TV show, a Radio Show, and a $50,000 VIP Client Today!  

YES, booking that Breakthrough call was the start of amazing things for me. "


$997 in less than 7 days!  

"Booked a client for my new 90 minute intensive for $997"




Signed a £2997 client in less than 14 days!  

"Just came off a discovery call with a client who signed up for my 3 months 1:1 for £2997. This is my first time of having a client that did not question my price."


Closed $11,000 in Sales in 4 DAYS!  

"Open the Flood Gates of Heaven , let it rain....  

I used your script format!!! Just booked my 2nd for my Master Mind Program, need 8 More!!!"  


Closed 1st $1997 coaching package in 19 days!

"So, I had a call awhile (not the one I asked about but this one is an on-the-spot call and I took Coach Bev's suggestion on how to approach the call and I sold my 1st US$1997 coaching package and she wants to start next week."


Closed $30,000 in 7 days!

"I sold 6 coaching packages for $5,000. Beverly Walthour you are the most consistent coach I've ever met. I am inspired. Your coaching is timeless and produces rapid results when we do the work. People are still buying my highest packages."


I earned my investment back the SAME DAY!

"My intensive with Bev was just that intensive! Bev dug deep into my coaching offers and helped me restructure and reprice them to better align with the market and my expertise. Bev helped me pull out a more detailed version of my ideal client by digging deeper into her psychographics and real pain points so that I may speak her language.  

Bev challenged me to up level my executive coaching offers and add another level. I took immediate action and saw immediate return on my investment by making some of the recommended adjustments and secured a new coaching client later that same day!"


Results from 2 Live Events!  

17 new e-mails 3 discovery calls booked 2 Women’s Empowerment Class Students 1 raffle winner ($100 off any one month service) 1 referral (I made for another coach) 2 collaboration opportunities.  


Booked a new client within seconds of my 1st Live!  

 So my pet peeve has always been going live idk why lol. Within seconds of my 1st Live I booked a new client. Their words "OMG what a blessing. I need your help. I don't care how much you charg me!"

My inbox is lit up right now off a 3 minute live and I will definitely be going Live more! 

Thank you so much Beverly Walthour you are the bomb.  



Beverly Walthour is an award-winning Multi 6-Figure Business Strategist, Speaker, Author, Trainer, and Consultant, and the CEO of BCW Business Ventures, LLC. She is a former TV and Radio Show Host in Atlanta, GA. Her shows were seen and heard across the globe. She was also the 1st African American female to have a Business Morning Radio Show.

As a Business Strategist for Established Christian Female Coaches and Service Providers for Coaches. They hire her to help them apply Kingdom Principles to:

  • Package and Price their Offers
  • Generate Qualified Leads
  • Elevate their Mindset and Messaging
  • Rapidly generate 5-figure WEEKS & DAYS and 6-figure launches

She works with her clients 1:1, groups, and live Workshops.

Beverly started her 1st business in 2007 and has gone on to start 3 more since then. She was also an award-winning Middle School Educator for 14 years.

She resides in the Atlanta, GA area and enjoys spending time with friends and family.